Supporting science media literacy in science education
Resources and activities for teaching media literacy and (specifically) science media literacy are accumulating rapidly. Here are some worth considering:

Cranky Uncle (John Cook) addresses climate change skepticism via cartoons of a naysayer; smart-phone-friendly

The Debunking Handbook (Lewandowsky et al., 2020) --

Go Viral (Social Decision Making Lab, University of Cambridge, 2020) -- learning game, as the player tries to spread as much misinformation as possible -- 5-minutes, smart-phone-friendly

How to Spot COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories (2020) -- strategies for addressing conspiracy theorists

MediaSmarts: Science & Health Information (Canada's Center for Digital and Media Literacy)

Merchants of Doubt® (SONY Classic Pictures, 2005, trailer) -- documentary inspired by the book of the same name, detailing uncertainty as a trump card in the disinformation playbook

Resisting Science Misinformation (WGBH/NOVA, 2018) -- 5-day lessons, with videos, grades 6-12

ScienceUpFirst (Canadian Association of Science Centres) -- debunking misinformation with good science information

Stories Behind the Science: Spotting Pseudoscience -- 12 historical case study narratives, organized to highlight typical features of pseudoscience (2022-23)

Stopping the Disinformation Playbook (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2018) -- numerous case studies, organized in 5 deceptive strategies

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