Supporting science media literacy in science education

From Evidence to Sources
For science teachers steeped in promoting scientific reasoning, teaching about media literacy involves a significant reorientation. As exemplified in the "Fantastic Beasts" and "Plausiblity Trap" activities, consumers need to shift from analyzing the evidence and the argument directly, to analyzing the source of information, its provenance and credibility. It entails a recognition of the dependence on experts and an understanding of the social architecture of trust. This short presentation is for teachers themselves (not students) and is designed for people already well acquainted with scientific practices and trusting their reliability. The guided reflection aims to develop an appreciation of the role of mediated knowledge.

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Background Reading

  • Allchin, D. 2012. What counts as science. American Biology Teacher.
  • Allchin, D. 2022. Who speaks for science? Science & Education.

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