News, 1963
Sept. 30, 1962 — Chief U.S. Marshal James McShane and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights John Doar guard James Meridith from harm, as Federal marshals under direction of President John F. Kennedy, arrive at the University of Mississippi ("Ole Miss") to allow Meredith admission, against actions by the University and governor, and with much student protest. |
May 16, 1963 — Gordon Cooper completes longest manned Mercury flight: 34 hrs, 40 mins.
June 19, 1963 — Russian Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman in space, doubling Cooper's time. The space race is emblematic of political tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. |
July 25, 1963 — The United States, United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R. sign a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty -- outlawing atmospheric testing. The fifteenth and last nuclear test occurred last year.
Aug 30, 1963 — Following Cuban missile crisis last year, Washington-Moscow hotline opens to reduce risk of unintended war between the two superpowers.
Aug 28, 1963 — A civil rights march in Washington DC. draws 200,000 participants. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks, "I Have a Dream."
Text by Douglas Allchin. || last revised Nov. 15, 2006