Mitchell R. Zavon
Zavon is an M.D. in the Dept. of Industrial Medicine and the Kettering Institute at the University of Cincinatti. He is also a medical consultant to Shell Oil Company. He was recently a member of the NRC sub-committee on Evaluation of Pesticide-Wildlife Problems.
Be sure to review Chaps. 1-3,7,12-13 of Silent Spring. You should be able to comment on Carson's credibility, the benefits of pesticides and health/safety issues.
Graham, Since Silent Spring, pp. 46-47, 87-88.
Zavon, Mitchell R. 1963. "Pesticide Residues." Am. J. Public Health. 53:1437–1438.
Zavon, Mitchell R. 1969. "A Neutral Stance Is Impossible" Science 165 (Sept. 5): 967. [Note late date -- but perspective will be valuable.]
Zavon, Mitchell R. 1971. "Pesticides in Perspective." Clinical Toxicology, 4:467–476. [Again, note date.]
Zavon, Mitchell R. 1969. "Interactions." BioScience 19:892-895. [Once again, note date.]
Evaluation of Pesticide-Wildlife Problems. Subcommittee on Evaluation of Pesticide-Wildlife Problems of the Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. 1962. See also Part 2: Policy and Procedures for Pest Control.
"The Pest-Ridden Spring." Time (July 5, 1963). online or archived here.
CBS Reports -- comments by public health officials. See Guide of interviewed speakers. [for contrast]
Bean, William B. 1963. review of Silent Spring. Archives of Internal Medicine.