On Learned Ignorance
Nicholas of Cusa
Translator's Introduction
- How it is that knowing is not-knowing.
- Preliminary clarification of what will follow.
- The precise truth is incomprehensible.
- The Absolute Maximum,with which the Minimum coincides, is un-derstood
- The Maximum is one.
- The Maximum is Absolute Necessity.
- The trine and one Eternity.
- Eternal generation.
- The eternal procession of union.
- An understanding of trinity in oneness transcends all things.
- Mathematics assists us very greatly in apprehending various di-vine
- The way in which mathematical signs ought to be used in our un-dertaking.
- The characteristics of a maximum, infinite line.
- An infinite line is a triangle.
- The maximum triangle is a circle and a sphere.
- In a symbolic way the Maximum is to all things as a maximum line is to [all] lines.
- Very deep doctrines from the same [symbolism of an infinite line].
- From the same [symbolism] we are led to an understanding of the participation in being.
- The likening of an infinite triangle to maximum trinity.
- Still more regarding the Trinity. There cannot be fourness, [five-ness], etc., in God.
- The likening of an infinite circle to oneness.
- How God's foresight unites contradictories.
- The likening of an infinite sphere to the actual existence of God.
- The name of God; affirmative theology.
- The pagans named God in various ways in relation to created things.
- Negative theology.
- Corollaries preliminary to inferring one infinite universe.
- Created being derives from the being of the First in a way that is
not understandable.
- In a way that cannot be understood the Maximum enfolds and un-folds
all things.
- The universe, which is only a contracted maximum, is a likeness
of the Absolute [Maximum].
- Each thing in each thing.
- The enfolding, and the degrees of contraction, of the universe.
- The trinity of the universe.
- The possibility, or matter, of the universe.
- The soul, or form, of the universe.
- The spirit of all things.
- Corollaries regarding motion.
- The conditions of the earth.
- The admirable divine art in the creation of the world and of the
- 1. The maximum which is contracted to this or that, and than which
- there cannot be a greater, cannot exist without the Absolute [Max-imum].
- 2. The maximum contracted [to a species] is also the Absolute [Max-imum;
- it is both] Creator and creature.
- 3. Only in the case of the nature of humanity can there be such a max-imum
- [individual].
- 4. Blessed Jesus, who is God and man, is the [contracted maximum in-dividual].
- 5. Christ, conceived through the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin
- Mary.
- 6. The mystery of the death of Jesus Christ.
- 7. The mystery of the Resurrection.
- 8. Christ, the Firstfruits of those who sleep, ascended to Heaven.
- 9. Christ is judge of the living and the dead.
- 10. The Judge's sentence.
- 11. The mysteries of faith.
- 12. The church.