George C. Decker
Decker is an economic entomologist at the Illinois Natural History Survey and a consultant to the chemical industry. He was a main member of the National Research Council's Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships.
Be sure to review Chaps. 1-2, 5-7, 11, 17 of Silent Spring. You should be able to comment on the benefits of pesticides, esp. in relation to alternatives, and on indiscriminate use, safety and the control of nature. You should comment on the study by your colleague, Harlow B. Mills, on the USDA fire ant program.
Decker, George C. 1962. "Pros and Cons of Pests, Pest Control and Pesticides." World Review of Pest Control (Spring 1962). reprinted in Chemical World News.
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships; a symposium by George C. Decker [and others] March 10, 1961. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (Pub. #897), 1961.
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (Pub. #920-A, B, C), 1962-63. [Part 1] [Part2] [Part3]
See Graham, Since Silent Spring, pp. 39-41 (!).
See Lear, Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature, pp. 431-32.