Walter H. Larrimer
Larrimer is head of the USDA Insect Control Division and recently served as executive secretary of the NAS-NRC Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships.
Be sure to review Chaps. 1-3,7,10,12,15 in Silent Spring. You should be able to comment on Carson's credibility and benefits and harms of pesticides. Comment on the USDA's programs to control gypsy moths, fire ants and Japanese beetles (Chaps. 10,15).
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships.
Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships; a symposium by George C. Decker [and others] March 10, 1961. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (Pub. #897), 1961.
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. 1962-63. Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships, [Part 1] [Part2] [Part3]. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (Pub. #920-A, B, C).
Graham, Since Silent Spring, pp. 39,41.
United States Department of Agriculture (1957-1965). Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Consider also the books by Lavine & Zimmerman, Leary & Fishbein, Whorton, and McWilliams about early DDT and pesticide use.