P. Rothberg
Rothberg is President of Monsanto Chemical Corporation (manufacturers of DDT). [You may represent other pesticide manufacturers. Consider also Louis McLean, General Secretary, Velsicol Co. (manufacturers of chlordane and heptachlor).]
Be sure to review Chaps. 1-3,7,10-13 of Silent Spring. You should be able to comment on the benefits of pesticides, health/food safety(?), and indiscriminate use.
"The Desolate Year." Monsanto Magazine 42 (#4, Oct., 1962): 4-9.
Graham, Since Silent Spring, p.56, also p.49, 163-64, 259 on Louis McLean.
Lear, Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature, pp. 416-17.
"The Chemicals Around Us." [viewpoint] Chemical Week (July 14, 1962): 5.
"Nature is for the Birds." [viewpoint] Chemical Week (July 28, 1962): 5.
"Reponse to Criticism." Chemical Week (Aug. 11, 1962): 42.
"Bracing for Broadside." Chemical Week (Oct. 6, 1962): 23.Darby, William J. 1962. "Silence, Miss Carson". Chem. & Eng. News (Oct. 1): 62-63.
Consider also the books by Lavine & Zimmerman, Leary & Fishbein, and Whorton about early DDT use.