Carson, Rachel. 1962. Silent Spring. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Carson, Rachel. 1962. New Yorker.
General Histories
- Graham, Frank, Jr. 1970. Since Silent Spring. (As orientation, all characters are mentioned here, however briefly.)
- Bosso, Christopher J. 1987. Pesticides and Politics: The Life Cycle of a Public Issue.
- Brooks, Paul. 1972. The House of Life: Rachel Carson at Work. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin.
- Dunlap, Thomas. 1981. DDT: Scientists, Citizens and Public Policy.
- Lear, Linda. 1997. Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature. New York, NY: Henry Holt.
- McWilliams, James E. 2008. American Pests: The Losing War on Insects from Colonial Times to DDT. New York, NY: Columbia Univ. Press.
- Mellanby, Kenneth. 1992. The DDT Story. Unwin Brothers.
- Murphy, Priscilla Coit. 2005/2007. What a Book Can Do: The Publication and Reception of Silent Spring. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
- Russell, Edmund. 2001. War and Nature: Fighting Humans and Insects with Chemicals from World War I to Silent Spring.
- Whorton, James. 1974. Before "Silent Spring": Pesticides and Public Health in pre-DDT America.
Historical Sources (available in 1963)
- Dunlap, Thomas R. (ed.). 2008. DDT, Silent Spring, and the Rise of Environmentalism: Classic Texts. Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington Press.
- National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships.
Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships; a symposium by George C. Decker [and others] March 10, 1961. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (Pub. #897), 1961.
- National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. Pest Control and Wildlife Relationships. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (Pub. #920-A, B, C), 1962-63. [Part 1] [Part2] [Part3]
- CBS Reports, "Rachel Carson's Silent Spring," -- Open wma-format files: Part 1 | Part 2.
=> See Guide of interviewed speakers.
- Baldwin, I.L. 1962. "Chemicals and Pests." Science 137:1042-1043.
- Chemical Week:
- Clement, Roland C. 1962a. "The Failure of Common Sense." Audubon 64(Jan.-Feb.): 41.
- Clement, Roland C. 1962b. "How Far Can Man Go In 'Controlling' Nature?" Audubon 64(Jul.-Aug.): 186-189,224.
- Clement, Roland C. 1962c. "Silent Spring." [review] Audubon 64: 356.
- Cole, Lamont. 1964. "The Impending Emergence of Ecological Thought." BioScience 14(7): 30-32.
- Cole, Lamont. 1964. "Pesticides: A Hazard to Nature's Equilbirium." American Journal of Public Health 54(Supp.): 24-31.
- Cottam, Clarence. 1963. "A Noisy Reaction to Silent Spring." Sierra Club Bull. 48:4-5, 14-15.
- Darby, William J. 1962. "Silence, Miss Carson". Chem. & Eng. News (Oct. 1): 62-63.
- "The Desolate Year." Monsanto Magazine 42 (#4, Oct., 1962): 4-9.
- Diamond, E. 1963. "The Myth of the Pesticide Menace." Saturday Evening Post 236(33, Sept. 28): 16-18.
- Geigy Company. 1944. "Now It Can Be Told." [press release].
- Jukes, Thomas. 1962. "A Town in Harmony." Chemical Week 40(Aug. 18): 5.
- Lavine, Irvin and Zimmerman, O.T. 1946. DDT: Killer of Killers. Rochestor NH: Record Press.
- Leary, James, William Fishbein, and Lawrence Salter. 1946. DDT and the Insect Problem. New York: .
- Nobel Foundation, "The Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology [to Paul Muller], 1948,"
- "The Pest-Ridden Spring." Time (July 5, 1963). online or archived here.
- Rudd, Robert L. 1963. "The Chemical Countryside: A view of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring." Pacific Discovery 10-11.
- Time review (Sept. 28, 1962).
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. News releases on DDT, 1945-1962. URL:
- U.S. News and World Report, November, 1962, pp. 86-94.
- Wallace, George J., and Richard F. Bernard. 1963. "Tests Show 40 Species of Birds Poisoned by DDT." 64(July/Aug.): 198-199.
- Wallace, George J., Walter Nickell and Richard Bernard. 1961. Bird Mortality in the Dutch Elm Disease Program in Michigan. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science [Bulletin 41].
Other Relevant Articles
- Russell, Edmund. 1999. "The Strange Career of DDT: Experts, Federal Capacity and Environmentalism in World War II," Technology and Culture 40:770-796.
- Gunter, Valerie J. and Craig K. Harris. 1998. "Noisy Winter: the DDT Controversy in the Years Before Silent Spring," Rural Sociology 63: 179-198.
- Lear, Linda. 1992. "Bombshell in Beltsville: The USDA and the Challenge of Silent Spring," Agricultural History 66:151-170
- Wang, Zuoyue. 1997. "Responding to Silent Spring: Scientists, Popular Science Communication and Environmental Policy in the Kennedy Years," Science Communication 19: 141-163
- MacIntyre, Angus A. 1987. "Why Pesticides Received Extensive Use in America: A Political Economy of Pest Management to 1970." National Resources Journal 27:534-577.
- Buhs, Joshua. 2002. "Dead Cows on a Georgia Field: Mapping the Cultural Landscape of the Post-World War II American Pesticide Controversies," Environmental History 7:99-121.
- Buhs, Joshua. 2004. The Fire Ant Wars. University of Chicago Press.
- Buhs, Joshua. 2002. "The Fire Ant Wars: Nature and Science in the Pesticide Controversies of the Late Twentieth Century", Isis 93: 377-400.
- Buhs, Joshua. 2002. "Dead Cows on a Georgia Field: Mapping the cultural landscape of the post-World War II American pesticide controversies." Environmental History.
- Jukes, Thomas. 1971. "D.D.T., Human Health and the Environment." Environmental Affairs 1(Nov.): 534-564.
Simulation assembled by Douglas Allchin. || last revised November 7, 2009