Advisory Committee on Pesticides
Project Profile || Background || Resources || Evaluation  

Roles [ Persons giving testimony to the Committee ] -- see as list

Jerome Wiesner

President's Science Advisor

P. Rothberg
President, Monsanto Corp.

LaMont Cole


Edwin Diamond

science writer

Robert L. Rudd


Robert White-Stevens

chemist, American Cyanamid Corp.

George Wallace


Roland C. Clement

National Audubon Society

Clarence Cottam

Welder Wildlife Foundation

Walter H. Larrimer

USDA Insect Control Div.

Murray Bookchin

libertarian, socialist

Mitchell R. Zavon

Industrial Medicine

George Larrick

Commissioner, Food & Drug Administration

Ira L. Baldwin

Orville Freeman

Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

Extension Roles [some sources may be incomplete ]

Robert Bushman Murphy


Luther Terry

Surgeon General

Samuel Simmons

U.S. Public Health Service

George Decker

Illinois Natural History Survey

Roy Barker

Illinois Natural History Survey

Ira Gabrielson

wildlife management

Tom Gill


Thomas Jukes

chemist, American Cyanamid Co.

William J. Darby

Vanderbilt School of Medicine

Louis McLean

Velsicol Corp.
A.W.A. Brown
William A. Brown

economic entomologist

Simulation assembled by Douglas Allchin. || last revised November 7, 2009