Jerome Wiesner
Jerome Wiesner is the Science Advisor to President John F. Kennedy and leads the Advisory Committee in their deliberations on pesticides -- well aware of the context of other recent science policy issues about public health.
Become familiar with the "cranberry scare" of 1959, the dangers of radioactive strontium fallout from the testing of nuclear weapons, recent findings on thalidomide, and the Delaney Amendment. After reading and outlining Silent Spring, compile a list of possible alternative actions on pesticides -- and the specific information that you feel is needed to reach a sound conclusion. Let that guide you in assembling an agenda for the meeting.
Bibliography [incomplete]
Wang, Zuoyue. 1997. "Responding to Silent Spring: Scientists, Popular Science Communication and Environmental Policy in the Kennedy Years," Science Communication 19:141-163.
Murphy, What a Book Can Do, pp. 10-16.
"Bureacracy: The Cranberry Boggle." Time (Nov. 23, 1959). URL: www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,865035,00.html
The President's Science Advisory Committee. 1963. Use of Pesticides. Washington, DC: The White House. [NOTE: This is the historical outcome of the events being simulated here. This is for guidance only -- not a script.]