Roles [ Persons giving testimony to the Committee ] [see as images]
- [optional] Jerome Wiesner -- President's Science Advisor and Committee Chair
- P. Rothberg -- President of Montrose Chemical Corporation (manufacturers of DDT)
- LaMont Cole -- ecologist
- Edwin Diamond -- science writer
- Robert L. Rudd -- zoologist
- Robert White-Stevens -- chemist, Asst. Dir. of Research and Development, American Cyanamid
- George J. Wallace -- zoologist, Michigan State University.
- Roland C. Clement -- staff biologist, National Audubon Society
- Clarence Cottam -- Director of the Welder Wildlife Foundation
- Walter H. Larrimer -- USDA Insect Control Div.; member NRC committee
- Murray Bookchin -- libertarian, socialist
- Mitchell R. Zavon -- Industrial Medicine & consultant to industry; member, NRC sub-committee
- George Larrick -- Commissioner of the Food & Drug Administration (see CBS Reports)
- Ira L. Baldwin -- Chair, National
Academy of Science-NRC Committee on Pest Control and Wildlife Relations
- Orville Freeman -- Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Extension Roles
- Robert Bushman Murphy -- ornithologist, American Museum of Natural History (focus on Ch. 8, 10).
- William A. Brown, Jr. -- economic entomologist
- Samuel W. Simmons -- U.S. Public Health Service
- George Decker -- Illinois Natural History Survey and member, NRC committee
- Roy Barker -- Illinois Natural History Survey; author of 1958 article in Journal of Wildlife Management
- Ira Gabrielson -- member, NRC committee; chair of subcommittee on research needs.
- Tom Gill -- forestry, member NRC committee
- Luther Terry -- Surgeon General (see CBS Reports)
- Thomas Jukes -- chemist, American Cyanamid Co.
- William J. Darby -- Vanderbilt School of Medicine; reviewed Silent Spring in Chemical and Engineering News
Simulation assembled by Douglas Allchin. || last revised November 19, 2008