Roy Barker
Barker is a member of the Illinois Natural History Survey at the University of Illinois. His research in 1957-58 was the first aimed at looking at delayed effects of DDT (chronic toxicity).
Be sure to reviews Chaps. 1-2,7-8 of Silent Spring. You should be able to comment on Carson's credibility and the harms of pesticides. Be familiar with the case of robins (Ch. 8). You should comment on the study by your colleague, Harlow B. Mills, on the USDA fire ant program, and on the position of another colleage, George Decker. See also George J. Wallace.
Barker, Roy. 1958. "Notes on some Ecological Effects of DDT Sprayed on Elms." Journal of Wildlife Management 22(July): 269-274.
Hickey, Joseph J. and L. Barrie Hunt. 1960. "Initial Songbird Mortality following a Dutch Elm Disease Control Program." Journal of Wildlife Management 24(July): 259-265.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service news releases on DDT, 1958-59. URL: www.fws.gov/contaminants/Info/DDTNews.html