Supporting science media literacy in science education

The Institutional Tour


or Poster (11x17)

This simple, short activity -- based on students' online research -- is designed to heighten awareness of and familiarity with various scientific institutions in the U.S., and their role in reflecting the consensus of the relevant scientific experts. Each student (or student pair) creates a small letter-size poster summarizing the institution's role, its history, its logo, and other relevant facts for how we interpret scientific claims in the media.

This activity is a good follow-up to the "Inquiry into Expertise," the game "Who's the Expert?" and/or the "The Plausibility Trap."

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Instructor's Narrative:

  • Institutional Tour

    Background Reading

  • Zucker, A. & Miller, J. 2024. Teaching about the critical role of scientific institutions. The Science Teacher.

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