Supporting science media literacy in science education

Overview & NGSS Benchmarks

"I Can" competency checklist

Ten Competencies

For a good introduction to and overview of teaching science media literacy (and its links to the NGSS) from a classroom perspective, see:

  • Allchin, D., Miller, J. & Proudfit, M. 2024. Managing misinformation. American Biology Teacher,86(8), 470-476.
  • NSTA's The Science Teacher "Fact-or-Faux" column (beginning in Jan., 2024).

  • For a guide to sequencing your own learning as an instructor, see INSTRUCTOR'S LEARNING MAP.
  • For more details on the central concepts and student competencies, see:

  • Allchin, D. 2023. Ten competencies for the science misinformation crisis. Science Education, 107, 261-274. doi:10.1002/sce.21746
  • To view the relationship of the activities on this website and plan a developmental progression, see TEACHING SEQUENCE MAP.
  • For deeper background on the misinformation crisis and the role of science education, see:

  • Osborne, J., et al. 2022. Science Education in an Age of Misinformation. Stanford University.
  • Hottecke, D. & Allchin, D. 2020. Reconceptualizing nature of science education in an age of social media. Science Education, 104, 641-666.
  • For a more comprehensive look at ways of addressing misinformation (beyond the science classroom), see:

  • Kozyreva, et al. 2024. Toolbox of individual-level interventions against online misinformation. Nature Human Behavior, 8, 1044–1052

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