General ||
Primary (K-6) ||
Biology ||
Earth Science ||
Chemistry ||
Thematic Lessons:
Women & Gender ||
Culture ||
Religion ||
Please contribute your own successes.
- A Lesson to Dye For [Middle School, integrated]
Plant dyes are a focus for integrating student invesitgations, history and art. Students use trial-and-error and controlled experiment to explore different plant sources, fibers, colors, mordants, and large scale dyeing. Dyed products can lead to various handcraft projects, such as basic stitchery. Lessons also include the historical, geographical and economic roles of dyes. Role-play of an important woman of Colonial times who introduced indigo to the U.S.
- women in the Scientific Revolution -- Hildegard von Bingen/middle school astronomy and Maria Merian/insects
- Expertise & the Social Dimension of Science [HIPST*]
- scientific societies (Frederico Cesi and the Accademia Lincei)
- Contested Currents (Edison & Westinghouse on AC vs. DC current) [grades 4-6]
- Chemical and Human Resources, Part I
Third grade students study mystery powders to understand physical and chemical properties and their changes, while learning about the chemists who first made those discoveries
- Chemical and Human Resources, Part II
In the fourth, fifth and sixth grade, students research these historical chemists in more depth, enacting them in vignettes, and teaching their findings to the third graders.
Biology (incl. Medicine)

- H.B.D. Kettlewell & the Peppered Moths
- Robert Whittaker & the Classification of Kingdoms
- Lynn Margulis & the Question of How Cells Evolved
- Nettie Stevens & the Problem of Sex Determination
- Thomas Hunt Morgan & the White-eyed Mutant
- Oswald Avery & the Search for the Transforming Factor
- Hans Krebs & the Problem of Cellular Respiration
- Peter Mitchell & How Cells Make ATP
- Walter Cannon & Self-Regulation in Animals
- Hans Seyle, Hormones & Stress
- Christiaan Eijkman & the Cause of Beriberi
- Western Science, Pain & Acupuncture
- Frank M. Burnet & How Animals Make Antibodies
- Niko Tinbergen & the Mating Behavior of Sticklebacks
- J.B.S. Haldane & the Hardy-Weinberg Model
- George Gaylord Simpson & Continental Drift
- Rachel Carson & Silent Spring
Earth Sciences (Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, Oceanography)
last updated: 9/7/10